Stray Souls Review (PlayStation 5)

For this Stray Souls Review, we unlock the secrets hidden within the haunted town of Aspen Falls, featuring gruesome enemy encounters, epic bosses, cunning puzzles, and a deep story where not everyone is who they seem. Play as Daniel – an average teenager whose life is forever changed after inheriting the home of his estranged grandmother and meeting a mysterious woman with intimate knowledge about his family, the house, and its shocking connection to his past. The gameplay elements inspired by classic horror combat with soulslike precision put a fresh spin on the modern action-horror genre.

Stray Souls Review Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 26.35GB Download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • You get the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 versions of the game.
  • Controller settings – Invert axis and sensitivity sliders.
  • In-game cutscenes.
  • A 3D world with 360-degree camera control.
  • Goes for a cinematic camera view system.
  • 3rd person view.
  • You can pet the dog!
  • Horror aspects throughout from subtle nods to jump scares.
  • A lot of puzzles to solve as you go through.
  • Auto saves regularly.
  • The story is a series of murders that happened in this house and then 18 years later a young kid starts to learn what happened.
  • A torch is used most of the time to fit the atmosphere.
  • After you get out of the house the game does open up a lot and gives a bit more freedom.
  • Has some really solid ideas and gameplay sequences.
  • Third-person view.
  • Eventually, you get a gun and can shoot the spirits.
  • The lighting and weather effects do look really good.
  • All items and enemy placements are randomized.
  • When they do the subtle horror with things like a glancing shadow or object movement, It adds a lot to the game and is very effective.
  • Going more Silent Hill than Resident Evil but it does straddle both lines.

Stray Souls Review Cons:

  • Really small text and the game starts off very text-heavy.
  • The game has this weird stutter-shaking effect when you go too close to a wall in the attic or randomly when using stairs.
  • Forces you to run a very strict narrative, with no deviation.
  • Puzzles don’t always have a clear theme or help.
  • Cannot rebind controls.
  • Facial expressions don’t fit and look out of place most of the time.
  • Had a few hard cuts between scenes.
  • You can only let the dog once.
  • As the story progresses and things change the dog never reacts.
  • It’s all over the place with instances being common like getting grabbed by a “force” and getting dragged along the floor then getting up and going into a room and commenting on how you need food or a haircut.
  • Puzzles just get chucked at you.
  • The animation and general look of the *scary person* are comical from their movement to how they peer around corners.
  • All the performance issues really ruin what could be a good game experience.

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Stray Souls:

Official website.

Developer: Jukai Studio

Publisher: Versus Evil

Store Links –


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Accessibility - 6/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Fun Factor - 6/10


Stray Souls is a game that offers a unique blend of horror and puzzle-solving elements. With a download size of 26.35GB, the game provides both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 versions. The game’s graphics are decent, and it features a 3D world with 360-degree camera control, offering a third-person view. The game also includes in-game cutscenes and a cinematic camera view system.

The story revolves around a series of murders that occurred in a house, and 18 years later, a young kid starts to unravel the mystery. The game is filled with horror aspects, from subtle nods to jump scares and a lot of puzzles to solve as you progress. The game auto-saves regularly, and a torch is used most of the time to fit the atmosphere. Once you leave the house, the game opens up, giving you more freedom.

However, the game has its drawbacks. The text is small and the game starts off very text-heavy. There are also performance issues, such as a weird stutter-shaking effect when you go too close to a wall in the attic or randomly when using stairs. The game forces you to follow a very strict narrative, with no deviation. The puzzles don’t always have a clear theme or help, and you cannot rebind controls.

Despite these issues, Stray Souls has some really solid ideas and gameplay sequences. The lighting and weather effects look really good, and all items and enemy placements are randomized. The game is more Silent Hill than Resident Evil, but it does straddle both lines. However, the performance issues can detract from what could be a good game experience.

In conclusion, Stray Souls is a game that offers a unique blend of horror and puzzle-solving elements. It has its strengths and weaknesses, but it’s worth checking out for those who enjoy this genre.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!