Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge’s Dimension Shellshock DLC Review (Xbox Series S)

For our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge’s Dimension Shellshock DLC Review, we discover Chaos! The Neutrinos crash the Turtles’ latest pizza party! The teenagers from Dimension X are in dire need of help: Shredder is seeking to conquer the multiverse itself! Our heroes need to jump between dimensions and stop Shredder once and for all!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge’s Dimension Shellshock DLC Review Pros:

  • Same beautiful pixel art graphics.
  • Adds new game type – survival mode.
  • In survival mode, you collect shards and crystals to fight the boss of the void.
  • Unlock all-new power-ups and color palettes for characters.
  • The Survival mode is a rip into the Multiverses so anything or anyone can appear.
  • Each character has their own list of unlockable power-ups and palettes, you can see a preview of them.
  • Two new playable characters – Karai and Usagi.
  • Online leaderboards for survival mode showing name, rank, score, and how many dimensions cleared.
  • Survival mode supports six players both online and offline.
  • All characters start at level 0 in the survival mode.
  • The new characters really add another layer and are great additions.
  • With the DLC a patch dropped for free adding a handful of new palettes for each character including the Gameboy skin.
  • All new cutscenes and story elements.
  • The fights take place anywhere including all-new comic book-style backdrops complete with animations and environmental hazards.
  • At the end of a wave in Survival, you pick one of two items/power-ups that can be good or bad, This also acts like a fork in the road pick your route mechanic.
  • Shards drop from enemies randomly.
  • The combo system is still in play.
  • Survival mode is on iron-man mode levels of difficulty with you having one life and you have to beat a dimension to keep collected shards.
  • At times you can play as characters not actually playable in the game, Shredder for example.
  • Every dimension is basically a different period of time during the turtle’s universe, they can have the same backdrop over and over but different characters in the background or use day and night.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge’s Dimension Shellshock DLC Review Cons:

  • No additional achievements.
  • You never really know what item you are picking during the end of Wave selection.
  • Can be hard to make out environmental hazards in the new comic book-style backdrops.
  • Being Wave-based opens up a lot more cheap offscreen attacks from enemies.
  • The Survival mode is a very harsh one, you get one life and only keep collected shards if you beat a dimension.
  • Just gets frustrating when you put in time and at any point you lose everything.
  • At times I’ve had very few drops happen making it a bad run and a waste of time.
  • Survival mode offers no difficulty options.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge’s Dimension Shellshock DLC:

Official website.

Developer: Tribute Games

Publisher: Home – Dotemu

Store Links –


  • 9/10
    Graphics - 9/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Accessibility - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


The game retains its beautiful pixel art graphics and introduces a new game type – survival mode. In this mode, players collect shards and crystals to fight the boss of the void. The game now includes two new playable characters, Karai and Usagi, each with their own list of unlockable power-ups and palettes.

Survival mode supports six players both online and offline and features online leaderboards showing name, rank, score, and how many dimensions cleared. However, it offers no difficulty options and all characters start at level 0. The mode is quite challenging as you get one life and only keep collected shards if you beat a dimension.

The game also introduces new comic book-style backdrops complete with animations and environmental hazards. However, these can sometimes make it hard to make out environmental hazards. The wave-based system can lead to cheap offscreen attacks from enemies.

At the end of a wave in Survival, players pick one of two items/power-ups that can be good or bad. This also acts like a fork-in-the-road pick-your-route mechanic. Shards drop from enemies randomly and the combo system is still in play.

The DLC includes a free patch adding a handful of new palettes for each character including the Gameboy skin. It also introduces all-new cutscenes and story elements. The fights take place anywhere including all-new comic book-style backdrops.

Despite its challenges, the survival mode adds another layer to the game and makes for an engaging experience. it is tough but the lure of getting the black and white Turtle skins is too great. Plus the game plays so well it is just an excuse to keep playing.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!