Testament: The Order of High-Human Review (Steam)
For our Testament: The Order of High-Human Review, where we play a first-person single-player action-adventure game with bits of RPG and Metroidvania elements set in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world. It offers mixed combat with different possibilities and combinations by sword, spells, and bows while it is rich with platforming and puzzles.
Testament: The Order of High-Human Review Pros:
- Decent graphics.
- 19.1GB download size.
- Steam achievements.
- Full controller support.
- Action adventure gameplay.
- Graphics settings – brightness, resolution, max fps, v-sync, sampling method, sampling quality, motion blur, graphics preset, anti-aliasing, shadow quality, effects quality, view distance, foliage quality, and post-processing.
- Three difficulties – Easy, normal, and hard.
- Controller settings – Invert axis and sensitivity sliders, can rebind controls, and set aiming sensitivity bias.
- In-game cutscenes.
- Subtitles setting complete with text size.
- Excellent voice work.
- First-person view.
- Will get compared to Skyrim.
- The compass at the top shows direction and mission markers.
- The journal fills in and acts as a manual.
- On-screen prompts and tutorial pop-ups.
- Stealth is in the game and enemies get a bar above their head to show if they notice you or not.
- Earn EXP and level up to get a skill point.
- The skill tree unlocks new buffs and abilities and you spend skill points here.
- You can see enemy health bars.
- Can do stealth attacks and instant kills.
- Breakable objects in the world.
- Fantastic environment and world, it is so atmospheric and full of wonder.
- Loot chests can be found as well as drops from enemies and breakables.
- Insight is where you see loot chests, Collectibles, and enemy weak spots for a short time.
- Discover beacons for fast travel.
- Combat requires you to time and counterattacks.
- The story, current predicament, and fighting are all narrated by your character.
- Enemies have colored markers above their head that indicates their power level/difficulty.
- A lot of platforming sequences.
- When you die you go back to a checkpoint with all enemies still dead but the pickups reset.
- Auto saves constantly.
- Semi-open world feel.
- The exp bar shows up every time you earn exp.
- Puzzles throughout the game like the light deflection variants.
- A radial wheel allows you to instantly craft and use items/buffs etc.
Testament: The Order of High-Human Review Cons:
- Graphics settings have two entries for effects quality.
- The menus are not that smooth with the controller.
- Cannot change the button prompts so it’s set to PlayStation and I’m using Xbox for example.
- No benchmark test.
- Got stuck several times as the game wouldn’t always recognize button presses.
- Had the game shuffle between controller button prompts for different consoles.
- The performance is not great, especially in built-up areas or if a lot is happening.
- Sluggish combat.
- Everything has a hefty weight to it.
- Changing weapons are two different buttons which is another little thing to remember.
- You have to press a button to pick up anything.
- Breakable objects all look the same by which I mean some are Breakable and some are not.
- Enemies’ difficulty is just more health and harder hits.
- The Ai pathfinding is a bit all over the place.
- You cannot fast-forward or skip certain interactions and cutscenes.
- Checkpoints are mixed as they can be common or far and between.
- A lot of invisible walls.
- Just had the controller flat-out refuse to do things and with the flashing of the button prompts changing it made a horrible user experience.
- The general pacing is all out of whack with platforming sections going on way too long and the open-world style stuff is short.
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Testament: The Order of High-Human:
Developer: Fairyship Games
Publisher: Fairyship Games
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