The Walking Dead: Betrayal Preview (Steam Early Access)

For our The Walking Dead: Betrayal Preview, we betray our friends in this 5-8-person game of cooperation and social deception set in the universe of The Walking Dead. Work together to survive, but trust no one! Traitors have so many ways to sabotage the team, the walkers are the most predictable threat.

The Walking Dead: Betrayal Preview Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 6.71GB download size.
  • Free gift if you have played Project Winter.
  • Optional tutorial.
  • A social deception game.
  • For the best experience, they recommend a headset.
  • Graphics settings – resolution, display mode, v-sync, max fps, graphics preset, anti aliasing, texture quality, shadow quality, particle quality, post-processing, anisotropic filtering, and soft particles.
  • Controller support.
  • You can remap the controls for the mouse and keyboard.
  • Nine roles to play as – Bereaved, daredevil, confidant, turncoat, negotiator, tailor, bodyguard, traitor, and Scavenger.
  • Each game only allows X amount of players to be in certain roles.
  • Emote radial menu.
  • The church is your personal hub where you can do crafting, set up matches, look at roles, etc.
  • The map will show locations of resources, points of interest, and anything else needed.
  • Isometric view.
  • When entering a building the angle of the camera changes.
  • You can repair things and interacting with them shows what is needed.
  • Dead drops
  • Find and equip different colored radios so you interact and/or listen in on other players using the matching color radio.
  • The hunger and stamina system is in play and when your hunger increases your health goes down.
  • Interactive points highlight.
  • Has a good atmosphere.
  • Weapons vary from commonly found items turned melee to ranged weapons like guns and crossbows.
  • Nearly everything you do creates noise which can attract zombies.
  • You can vote and exile Survivors.
  • Find and work together with others to build an escape route.
  • Cook food to increase its potency.
  • You can do dick moves like luring zombies into other player’s way or poison food and loot in the world.
  • You can break down vehicles, signs, etc for resources.
  • Quickly select hot bar for items held.
  • Customize your character with cosmetics.
  • Two ways to matchmake – solo and party up.
  • Has its own friends list integration.
  • Eight-player online support.
  • When matchmaking you can walk around a gated area and shoot zombies.
  • The shooting works well with a clear aiming line.
  • If you die then you’ll come back a walker, you can even jump between walkers adding a lot of fun to proceedings.

The Walking Dead: Betrayal Preview Cons:

  • No Steam achievements.
  • Long initial load time.
  • It doesn’t state it on the game library but it has controller support.
  • Cannot rebind controls for the controller.
  • Every interaction is holding the button down which is less than ideal.
  • Text pops up over other text.
  • The tutorial is just a list of tasks and no real help in achieving them.
  • You start off with very little personal storage.
  • Slowdown happens a lot even when there is hardly anyone around.
  • A very basic character creator in that it’s mostly cosmetics.
  • Struggle to find any players no matter the time of day.
  • So much to take in.
  • It’s a game more suited for a group of friends but mostly that’s to do with the player numbers and mic support.

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The Walking Dead: Betrayal:

Official website.

Developer: Other Ocean Interactive

Publisher: Skybound Entertainment

Store Links –

Steam Early Access

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!