Titan Invasion coming to PS4/PS3/Vita this summer
Independent publisher of fine video games, Curve Digital, is proud to present the third title in a month of announcements: Titan Invasion. In fact, Curve Digital admits to cheating a bit as this title is not one game but two, offered for one price as a cross-buy title on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.
The Titan Invasion collection will include two action titles from UK developer, Puppygames: ‘Titan Attacks!’ and ‘Revenge of the Titans’.
Titan Attacks! is a straight-up, highly polished arcade action title inspired by games like Space Invaders and Galaga, but with many modern features including a full ship upgrade system, online leaderboards and stylish, neo-retro visuals. Revenge of the Titans keeps the frantic action and the distinctive visual style, but expands the game into a unique mash-up of Real Time Strategy and Tower Defence including over 25 different types of buildings and a deep upgrade system as players progress for 50 challenging levels.
Jason Perkins, Managing Director of Curve Digital said: “Titan Attacks and Revenge of the Titans are two full games by their own right, so being able to release them as a single collection with Titan Invasion and to also be able to offer that as cross-buy title represents really good value for money for PlayStation gamers.”
Puppygames Owner Caspian Prince exclaimed: “We’re thrilled to be working with Curve to port our games to PlayStation. Now we can play with the big boys in the playground!.”
Titan Invasion will be available for all good PlayStation consoles this summer. Curve Digital has also announced puzzle-platform MouseCraft and Stealth Inc: Ultimate Edition this month, with one more announcement to go.