Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege CTU Spotlight Video – The British Unit

Formed from top tactical units from across the world, Counter Terrorist Units are the backbone of Rainbow Six: Siege.

Whether it is the SAS, GIGN, SPETSNAZ, GSG9 or the FBI SWAT, players will instantly recognise the iconic CTUs present in the game.

Over the next few weeks we will be introducing you to the Counter Terrorist Units of Rainbow Six: Siege in a new series of Spotlight videos.

In the first episode we examine the British Unit – an elite team pulled from the very best of the army, navy, and air force.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!