Truck Driver: The American Dream Review (PlayStation 5)

For this Truck Driver: The American Dream Review, we learn that years after the death of our father, a famous and well-respected truck driver, we decided to get our life back on track by stepping into our father’s shoes. However, this new path doesn’t come without its hardships, as the road to becoming a successful truck driver might be a hard and lonely one. So strap yourself in and be ready for anything as you chase the American Dream in this brand-new adventure!

Truck Driver: The American Dream Review Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 17.36GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Streamer mode to turn on and off copyrighted music.
  • Accessibility options – subtitles, and subtitles size.
  • Rendering mode – fidelity (30fps), fidelity (unlocked), and performance.
  • Graphics settings – V-sync, brightness, chromatic aberration, and motion blur.
  • Colorblind support.
  • Controller settings – Invert axis and sensitivity sliders.
  • Truck driving simulator gameplay.
  • In-game cutscenes mixed with some still art text-based frames.
  • Five driving views including in cab and top down.
  • You can click to have the wing mirrors show on the screen all the time regardless of the driving view.
  • Opening Prologue showing controls.
  • The garage is where you go to buy trucks and upgrade/repair them.
  • Three trucks to unlock and own.
  • Upgrade your truck options – tires, chassis, and engine which affects performance, durability, and fuel consumption.
  • Add-ons are the customisation options for your truck – air freshener, dashboard table, curtains, dashboard items, roof lights, food and drinks, license plates, bumpers, sun visors, mirrors, and paint jobs.
  • The free view in the garage lets you just fly over your trucks.
  • Earn cash and exp for doing jobs.
  • You get fined for jumping red lights.
  • Any collisions result in truck damage and need to be repaired.
  • You get control of lights, windscreen wipers, and indicators.
  • The radio has a handful of channels and full volume control.
  • It is a full 3D world and you get 360-degree camera control.
  • Uses the speaker for phone calls.
  • Acts like the triggers have feedback and restraint.
  • A mini-map shows your route and points of interest.
  • You can only listen to the radio in the cab.
  • Nice locations.
  • The dashboard is detailed showing all your dials, and mini-maps.
  • Save and load when you want.
  • Full photo mode.
  • The game does a good job of having so many controls tied to the controller.
  • The skill tree is where you spend your points.
  • Uses day and night along with different weather types.

Truck Driver: The American Dream Review Cons:

  • Cannot rebind controls.
  • Shows free roam mode but it’s locked and coming soon.
  • The AI traffic is terrible staying still at red lights, they constantly ram you, they don’t recognize you and try and go past or through you.
  • Prompts for missions are not clear.
  • The lighting goes weird especially when changing from night to day.
  • The view in the wing mirrors is really slow and laggy.
  • Hit detection is not great.
  • Invisible walls and in stupid areas like the parking challenge.
  • Tries to be both a simulation and an arcade game and it just feels a bit all over the place.
  • The dialogue is delivered with so much lackluster that it almost puts you to sleep.
  • Slowdown happens a lot.
  • The mini-map on the dashboard is so small and blurry that it’s hard to read.
  • Using the main big map is bad, no feedback, the ability to mark it, or even pop-up text saying what is what.
  • The game is a story-focused game with trucking parts.
  • Yes, it’s all fetch quests but the issue is the length of the journey just gets longer for no reason.
  • Having to go back to the motel to rest and move the game forward is a real pain.
  • The skill tree takes a long time to open up in order to actually make your own character as it were.
  • The grind for cash and exp in particular is a long road.
  • Your partner/passenger is motionless.

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Truck Driver: The American Dream:

Official website.

Developer: SOEDESCO

Publisher: SOEDESCO

Store Links –


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 6/10
    Fun Factor - 6/10


Truck Driver: The American Dream is a truck-driving simulator game with a story focus and a variety of features. The game offers decent graphics and a full 3D world with 360-degree camera control. It has a download size of 17.36GB and offers a platinum trophy.

The game provides several accessibility options such as subtitles, subtitle size, and colorblind support. It also offers various graphics settings including V-sync, brightness, chromatic aberration, and motion blur. The rendering mode includes fidelity (30fps), fidelity (unlocked), and performance.

The gameplay involves driving trucks, earning cash and experience for jobs, and upgrading/repairing trucks in the garage. There are three trucks to unlock and own, with upgrade options affecting performance, durability, and fuel consumption. Customization options for your truck include air fresheners, dashboard items, roof lights, food and drinks, license plates, bumpers, sun visors, mirrors, and paint jobs.

The game uses day and night cycles along with different weather types. It also features a skill tree where you can spend your points. However, the skill tree takes a long time to open up.

Despite its features, the game has several issues. The AI traffic is poor, often causing collisions. The lighting can be weird especially when changing from night to day, and the hit detection is not great. The game tries to be both a simulation and an arcade game which can feel inconsistent. The dialogue is delivered with lackluster that it almost puts you to sleep, and slowdown happens frequently.

In conclusion, Truck Driver: The American Dream offers a unique blend of truck driving simulation with story elements. While it has some impressive features and customization options, it also has several areas that could be improved for a better gaming experience. Overall it’s a driving game where the story is the main focus and the driving is not only secondary its also a lot more watered down than other truck games on the market.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!