Unit 13 Review (PlayStation Vita)

Unit 13 bought to us from famed developer Zipper Interactive. In a sad twist, this game turned out to be Zipper’s last game for Sony as their studio was closed down. On a brighter note with MAG and SOCOM under their belt the expectation was high for this game, Let’s get into our Unit 13 review.
Unit 13 Review

Unit 13 Review Pros:

  • Crisp graphics.
  • Platinum Trophy.
  • Action shooter gameplay.
  • Level design is excellent and can house many ways to play.
  • Dynamic missions randomize the missions every time you play them.
  • Touch controls that don’t dominate your experience, instead they add to it.
  • The online co-op works very well.
  • Missions are varied from speed runs to sneaking, It’s all in there.
  • Pre-set characters specializing in different combat ie sniper, and you can gain exp with them to unlock better weapons and attachments.
  • All about learning the level layout, enemy placement, and maximizing your urn.
  • When played as a score chaser it carries a lot of similarities to The Club.
  • Online leader-board with Near functionality to see if your top dog in your area.
  • The campaign boasts over 12 hours depending on skill/patience.
  • Strong cover system.
  • Daily challenges.
  • Stars earned from playing missions and your performance.
  • HVT is your boss fights that you unlock or by getting them from friends through Near.
  • Gets very addictive.
  • Easy Platinum Trophy.
  • The game can be played as a stealth action shooter or a huge score attack leader board chasing riot.
  • Combat is precise, tight, and a joy to play.
Unit 13 Review

Unit 13 Review Cons:

  • Some campaign levels can get infuriating due to AI behavior.
  • The co-op has a problem where hitting the PS button disconnects the game.
  • Co-op progression is only saved for the host.
  • HVT 2 suffers from infinite enemy respawns until an invisible checkpoint is hit.
  • I doubt we will see any DLC with Zippers closure which is a huge failure.
Unit 13 Review
Unit 13:
Official website (shutdown)
Developer: Zipper Interactive
Publisher: Sony Studios
Store links-
PlayStation (unavailable)


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Accessibility - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


In summary, the game is very well done and a joy to play. Co-op despite its few flaws is a worthy addition, While daily challenges will keep you coming back for more. A worthy purchase. It’s just typ[ical that as a company shuts down, They produce some of their best work in ages. Unit 13 if handled properly could have easily been a long-running franchise and I am gutted that we are here with the game just disappearing.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!