Warhammer 40000: Boltgun Review (Steam)
For this Warhammer 40000: Boltgun Review, where we Load up our Boltgun and unleash the awesome Space Marine arsenal to blast our way through an explosion of sprites, pixels, and blood in a perfect blend of Warhammer 40,000, frenetic gameplay and the stylish visuals of 90’s retro shooters.
Warhammer 40000: Boltgun Review Pros:
- Stunning pixel art graphics.
- Download size.
- Steam achievements.
- Steam trading cards.
- Full controller support.
- Graphics settings – resolution, fullscreen, resolution scale, v-sync, framerate cap, horizontal field of view slider, gore pool size, anisotropic filtering, post-processing, ambient occlusion, and material quality.
- Controller settings – six layouts, swap sticks, and swap bumpers and triggers.
- Crosshair settings – size and opacity.
- Can rebind controls for the keyboard.
- First-person shooter gameplay.
- Safe zone setting for the screen.
- Retro settings – bloom, retro palette, and pixelation.
- Accessibility options – invulnerability, give all weapons, infinite ammo, head bobbing, screen shake, controller rumble, disable damage screen splash, disable charge impact pausing, disable Chainsword pausing, unlock all levels, disable Warp parallax effects, and servo skull display time.
- Three special ammo types – Dragon fire (wider area of damage), Kraken rounds (faster shooting), and vengeance rounds (penetrating walls and turrets). All are color-coded.
- Strength vs toughness modifier is in play and this dictates how much damage you do and receive.
- Fully licensed game.
- Excellent soundtrack.
- Familiar controls.
- Three chapters to unlock.
- Each level shows a completion time, the highest difficulty completed, and how many of the secrets you found.
- The whole game moves at a very fast pace.
- Akin to Doom in its style and movement.
- The Chainsword allows you to do badass melee attacks where you cut the enemy up.
- So much attention to detail.
- A modern retro-feeling game in all ways.
- Four difficulties – low, medium, hard, and exterminatus.
- Fast loading times.
- Beautiful 90s-style animated cutscenes.
- Excellent voice work.
- Opening and ongoing tutorial pop-ups.
- Save when you want.
- On the pause screen, you can see the time played, secrets found, and the percentage of how many enemies you have killed.
- One for the fans of Warhammer 40k.
Warhammer 40000: Boltgun Review Cons:
- Cannot rebind controls for the controller.
- Due to the nature of the game, it can make you feel nauseous, could be the view, speed, or anything. Tinkering with the settings can help but it’s a slow process.
- Takes a bit of getting used to the game loop.
- No online leaderboards for scoring or anything.
- There isn’t a huge draw to replay the game multiple times.
- The game is quite short.
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Warhammer 40000: Boltgun:
Developer: Auroch Digital
Publisher: Home – Focus Entertainment
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