Wild Dogs Review (PlayStation 4)

For this Wild Dogs Review, where the world is under a frantic alien attack. Amidst the chaos and with the army virtually subdued, the deadliest and most inconsequential pair of specialists are called upon to do what must be done. Join the war-hunting aliens around the world in every way possible. A few days before the “Biolab Wars” protocol is activated by the army, Major Frank “Pumpkinhead” Williams and his partner Teddy are summoned to the front lines. Authorized to use all necessary methods, the pair will explode, run over, crush, and smear themselves in a lot of alien goo.

Wild Dogs Review Pros:

  • Beautiful 8 Bit graphics.
  • 722.9MB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Works on Playstation 5.
  • Over 30 color palettes you press a button to change on the fly at any time.
  • 3 save slots.
  • Video settings – CRT curved, CRT flat, smooth, bilinear, pixel perfect, and none.
  • Can rebind controls.
  • Gameplay settings – Auto weapon swap and screen shake.
  • Platform shooter gameplay.
  • Tutorial signs within levels.
  • In-game cutscenes.
  • Awesome Chiptune soundtrack.
  • You can skip cutscenes.
  • Inspired by the Contra games.
  • Online leaderboards are broken down by missions.
  • Big end-of-mission boss battles.
  • You can carry teo weapons at a time.
  • Has a mix of genres with a side scroller Shmup level and more.
  • Health bar system.
  • You get a set amount of lives, and you can earn more but if it’s X amount of lives then game over.
  • Simple controls.
  • New Weapons and health drop from the flying capsules you shoot down.
  • Some objects within the level are destructible.
  • Hardcore difficulty.
  • Aim lock to stand still and shoot.
  • Full 360-degree aiming circle.

Wild Dogs Review Cons:

  • Difficult.
  • No multiplayer.
  • The tutorial is very basic.
  • The time limit feels somewhat pointless.
  • Only one character.
  • Some palettes make seeing Gunfire difficult.

Related Post: Dead Island 2 Review (PlayStation 5)

Wild Dogs:

Official website.

Developer: 2ndBoss

Publisher: QUByte Interactive

Store Links – 


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


A Contra-like experience that offers a solid difficult experience. Swapping color palettes on the fly is an excellent way to mix it up and cater to all gamers as they can have their favorite. The controls are tight but most importantly familiar. With explosions and Gunfire everywhere, the game is a non-stop arcade-like experience. Boss battles are not that varied and very clear cut but the levels leading up to them shine. It’s a game you put on to have a Contra fix bit not play Contra in the traditional sense as you have shmup and Vehicle sections to keep it different. Brilliant little game.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!