Worms W.M.D Mobilize Review (Android)
For this Worms W.M.D Mobilize Review, we welcome the worms back in their most destructive game yet but on the mobile. With a gorgeous, hand-drawn 2D look, brand new weapons, the introduction of crafting, vehicles, and buildings plus the return of some much-loved classic weapons and gameplay, Worms W.M.D is the best Worms handheld experience ever.
Worms W.M.D Mobilize Review Pros:
- Beautiful cartoon-like graphics.
- 3.2GB download size.
- Google Play achievements.
- Graphics preset option.
- Really well done animations, You can see your worm change hats mid-game depending on weapon choice.
- Classic worms gameplay. Take on a team or many teams of worms and wipe them out in any way possible.
- Fast loading times.
- The training section is a collection of small tutorial-style missions where you can pick up the basics or learn the more advanced options available to you in combat.
- How to play guide if you just prefer a quick text base manual.
- Excellent fit for the mobile.
- Single-player options: Tutorial, Campaign, Challenge, and bonus missions. Bonus missions unlock once you find hidden wanted posters in particular levels.
- The campaign has one main objective with three bonus optional side missions. Get all four for a gold star and earn unlocks faster.
- Multiplayer options: Local (can add AI), Ranked 1V1, Unranked, Quick game, and browse games. For all options, you can choose to join a room or host your own and set the game options.
- Controls have been tightened up and updated, Double jump for example is a lot easier to pull off now.
- Full team customization: You can name your team, Individual worms, and then set dances, Hats, and tombstones. You unlock new ones by leveling up your account.
- Earn exp as it were by playing the game. You have a small bar bottom left that every time you max it you get a new item for your team. Some are tied to normal p[lay and some are earned just from online play.
- Huge selection of preset worm options for voice including old favorites. I mean they have a farmer one that fits us Bristolians perfectly so Kudos there. You also have music to have to play when you win.
- The voice work again is top-notch and hilarious.
- Online leaderboards.
- New weapons including returning classics are in the game but the big thing is you have vehicles! I mean there is a tank, Helicopter, and even a mech! All control and work perfectly in the game. Notable additions also include mounted sniper rifles and automatic rifle spots.
- You can go into buildings.
- Action replays of particularly great kills.
- Fast loading times.
- AI has improved a lot and yes they are still cheap at times but when you play a low-level team of AI they will be crap.
- Challenging but rewarding gameplay.
- The time between turns is a lot faster and AI actions are also a lot faster.
- Plays in landscape mode.
- Easy to learn game thanks to simple controls and welcoming gameplay.
- Full-level destruction is still there. You also get a cool thing where the picture of the level is in the background so you can see what has been blown up.
- Crafting is now in the game. Collect items in the level and use them to craft new weapons. It’s a nice addition that makes the game a lot more strategic as it takes a turn or so to craft the weapon.
- You have full control of the camera and can zoom in and out at will.
- 30 Levels in the lengthy campaign.
- Multiplayer and quick match offline allow you to use the level generator where you can type anything into it and get a level. But you can also choose them, If buildings will be in it and size.
- Local match game modes.
- Can edit the controls by placing and resizing every single button and direction.
Worms W.M.D Mobilize Review Cons:
- AI can still be a little cheap.
- Worm placement can be a bit unfair at times.
- Crafting is good but sometimes you feel it’s not needed and you want to turn it off and just go straight old school.
- You don’t like worms.
- The thought of a worm operating a tank scares the absolute bejeebus out of you.
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Worms W.M.D:
Developer: Team 17
Publisher: Team 17
Store Links –
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