Desta: The Memories Between Review (Steam)
For our Desta: The Memories Between Review where we play a cozy team-based tactics adventure. Encounter old friends, unlock new abilities, and land trick shots to resolve memories, all while falling deeper into a mysterious world.
Desta: The Memories Between Review Pros:
- Decent graphics.
- 1.37GB download size.
- Steam achievements.
- Full controller support.
- Graphics settings – resolution, windowed mode, v-sync, and anti-aliasing.
- Invert the axis for the camera.
- Opening and ongoing tutorial pop-ups.
- Colorblind support.
- Ui size – small or large.
- Puzzle gameplay.
- Fully voiced characters.
- In-game cutscenes.
- Dialogue speed can be set to default or slower.
- Can skip cutscenes.
- Turn-based combat.
- The game is played out on a grid, you have X amount of moves. A ball will appear and you use this to hit crystals, switches, and fight people with.
- Full 3D camera control.
- When throwing the ball you get a throwing line and can use this line to judge where the ball goes afterward.
- Upbeat soundtrack.
- You can have the ball rebound back to you.
- Undo the last move button.
- Each little puzzle sequence is classed as a dream sequence.
- Set within the United Kingdom so it has recognizable signs, language, and the like.
- Each character uses their own set of pro nouns.
- Simple easy to remember controls.
- Adjust the power of your ball shots.
- Recruit/meet party members where the turn order is up to you every time.
- Throw the ball between party members.
- Clever level design as it all looks simple and easy but it really is not.
- The ball can bounce off people and the environment.
- Very easy to get into.
- Fast loading times.
- The story is done in such a way that you always want to see the next dream and then the next.
- When you lose all HP you wake up in the real world and lose all acquired abilities and memoria.
- Run-based game loop.
- Every new run allows you to pick an ability.
- Use the environment to bounce the ball but also protect yourself.
- Earn EXP after each dream resolution to unlock new abilities and upgrade movement allowance.
- When you click move you get grids coming up showing how many and where you can move.
- Before a new dream sequence, you can prepare by equipping your wanted abilities and teammates recruited.
- Bite-sized levels.
- The locations just look really cool.
- Difficulty options unlock as you play – start the match with a healing tile, opponent accuracy chances, no-fail mode, and start the match with a ball.
- The story involves depression, anxiety, social life, and friendships in a scarily realistic way.
- Unlock shortcuts so you don’t have to repeat chapters. (optional)
Desta: The Memories Between Review Cons:
- The game just opens straight up into a puzzle and it’s very abrupt.
- Cannot rebind controls.
- Takes a while to get going.
- Doesn’t do the best job of explaining everything.
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Desta: The Memories Between:
Developer: ustwo Games
Publisher: ustwo Games
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