Dyna Bomb Review (PlayStation 4)
We kick the arcade action into top gear with our Dyna Bomb Review as we dodge enemies, fling bombs, and grab the treasure, before making a mad dash for the exit.
Dyna Bomb Review Pros:
- Nice 16 bit looking graphics.
- 413.1MB download size.
- Platinum trophy.
- Works on Playstation 5.
- Platform shooter gameplay.
- By default, it’s one hit one death.
- Earn gems by collecting them and they act as currency.
- Gambling machine – pay gems and spin the machine for prizes or maybe you won’t win.
- Eight worlds with eight levels in each.
- The first level of the first World acts as a tutorial.
- Shop – buy upgrades like getting hot twice before death, shooting missiles instead of Bombs, etc.
- Upgrades are good for one life then you buy them again.
- Levels have 1 – 3 stars to earn.
- Each level has 3 sets of bonus objectives from collecting all gems to killing all enemies or not killing any.
- Timers are used for each level.
- Portals will launch you around the level, they are paired in colors.
- The goal is to find the key to unlock the exit.
- Two protagonists – female or female.
- Ammo is limited and can be picked up in a level.
- Infinite jetpack to fly around.
- Possible to spend gems on continuing your run.
- Very easy Platinum trophy.
Dyna Bomb Review Cons:
- Definitely looks like a mobile game upsized to a console game.
- Hit detection is a bit dodgy at times.
- Doesn’t explain how purchases are constant.
- Menus are so basic they don’t actually tell you immediately what their functionality is.
- Mobile game-looking menus.
- No online leaderboards.
- No camera control means an enemy can kinda sneak up on you.
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Dyna Bomb:
Developer: 7 Raven Studios
Publisher: 7 Raven Studios
Store Links –
I really enjoyed playing Dyna Bomb, sure it looks and plays like a mobile game upscale to console. To be honest that’s fine because the gameplay is solid fun if only in short bursts. You play as one of two characters, you then need to find a key and get to the exit. Dyna Bomb has a knack for being a modern game having the feeling of a retro game, could be the simple nature of the gameplay loop or the music accompanying the graphic style but either way, it’s a game that is fun to play. Dyan Bomb never really pushes itself forward and instead relies on its one-hit death system but it does have a certain charm to it. I don’t hate it and I don’t love it, Dyna Bomb is a prime example of a middle ground game that will do a good job of entertaining you albeit in short bursts.