Gleylancer and Gynoug: Classic Shmups Pack Review (Xbox Series S)

Gleylancer and Gynoug: Classic Shmups Pack Review, we go back to the year 1992, when Gleylancer was released as an iconic space shooter. Our heroine pilot decides to hijack the prototype fighter and go after her missing father. Get ready to shoot your way through battalions of hostile aliens as you guide your ship safely across the universe. In an era between the Middle Ages and the early modern period, the demons have grown in power by feeding on the evil ambitions of the people. Led by a being known as The Destroyer they plan their attack.

Gleylancer and Gynoug: Classic Shmups Pack Review Pros:

  • Decent retro graphics.
  • Download size –
    • Gleylancer – 293.5MB.
    • Gynoug – 294.5MB.
  • 2000 total gamerscore with it split into 1000 Gamerscore per game.
  • Shmup gameplay.
  • Video settings – display (fullscreen/4:3 DAR/Perfect), scaling (soft/crispy/razor), wallpaper choices, and brightness along with CRT shader choices (mask type/mask intensity/Scanlines intensity/sharpness/curvature/trini curve/corner round/CRT gamma).
  • Rewind speed – adaptive, 1x and 2x.
  • Gameplay mode – modern (new features like twin-stick controls, saved high scores, fancier subtitles, separate speed up and down buttons), Vintage (original Japanese release version), and debug (allows you to enter cheats).
  • Can rebind controls.
  • Save and load states.
  • Can change settings from the pause menu.
  • 3 difficulties – Easy, normal, and hard for Gleylancer, and Gynoug has 4 difficulties – Easy, normal, hard, and hyper.
  • Story mode – on/off.
  • Chiptune soundtrack.
  • Manual or automatic shots.
  • Five-speed options including hold.
  • Music and sound tests.
  • Seven mover options (how your guns fire/work) – normal, reverse, search, multi, multi-reverse, shadow, and roll.
  • Shoot special injects to collect power-ups.
  • Gain more ship attachments and little ships.
  • Brutal one-hit deaths.
  • Big boss battles.
  • A variety of power-ups make for some cool weapon load-outs.
  • Pick up power-ups that change how you shoot.
  • Big boss battles. the screen will move about at set points to add tension.
  • Nice soundtrack.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Collect health and shield regen orbs.
  • Clean hid and scoring system.
  • Secondary powerful weapons.
  • Some cool locations.
  • Impressive rewind system.

Gleylancer and Gynoug: Classic Shmups Pack Review Cons:

  • No built-in cheats.
  • They are two separate downloads and are not connected in any way.
  • One-hit death is brutal.
  • The movement is sluggish.
  • Never know when you have hit a checkpoint.
  • Backgrounds kind of mask enemy projectiles.
  • Difficult even on easy.
  • Very hard to earn extra lives
  • No tate mode.
  • Doesn’t support online leaderboards.
  • No tutorials.
  • You don’t get anything like auto-shoot.
  • Bullet sponge bosses.
  • The last level is just a boss rush.
  • Bad ending for Gynoug.
  • Only a small handful of weapons.
  • Predictable level design.

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Gleylancer and Gynoug: Classic Shmups Pack:

Official website.

Developer: Nautlander

Publisher: Ratalaika Games 

Store Links –


  • 7/10
    Graphics - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


Gynoug is a Shmup that plays well but feels predictable, I never felt surprised or wowed. It was just safe with a small pool of weapons and enemies, the boss models and locations are a stand-out mind I can’t deny that. I would say this is a game for people that want a streamlined less gimmicky Shmup or fans of the name. For me personally, I found it kind and f plain and it never tried to outdo itself.

GleyLancer is a game I have heard of but never played until now. It’s a Shmup classically with you being able to move around the screen collecting power-ups and shooting enemies. It all feels familiar until you start collecting the many gun attachments the game offers. All of a sudden your once basic ship is now a crazy contraption of death, you can control your outer guns with the right stick to enable twin-stick shooting, you can lock onto enemies, and do crazy moves like having the outer guns circle your ship shooting. It’s a thing that once experienced changes the way you play shmups going forward, GleyLancer is a solid bit very difficult game, even on easy you will get one shot Ted, die a ton, and generally swear and hate the game for hours. I like it but man I’m no good at it the whole guns variant makes me want to be better at GleyLancer. Overall GleyLancer is not for the faint of heart and is prepared to get whooped.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!