Gunfire Reborn Review (Xbox Series S)
For this Gunfire Reborn Review, we play this level-based adventure game featuring FPS, rogue-lite, and RPG elements. Players can control unique heroes—each with different abilities—as they adventure through procedurally-generated levels and pick up randomly-dropped weapons.
Gunfire Reborn Review Pros:
- Decent cell-shaded graphics.
- 13.5GB download size.
- 1000 Gamerscore.
- Field of view slider.
- Controller settings – Invert axis and sensitivity sliders, can rebind controls, aim assist, response curve, and stick settings.
- Crosshairs can be customised from color to size and hit colors.
- Roguelike first-person shooter gameplay.
- Opens up into a tutorial that can be skipped.
- Weapons all have unique stats, abilities, and ammo.
- Fast-paced shooter.
- Craftsmen can be found and spend copper on upgrading gear.
- Peddlers can be found and use copper to buy loot.
- Loot chests a plenty including ones where you pay to open them.
- Such a satisfying Headshot noise.
- The Gunplay is really tight with each gun feeling different.
- A run consists of levels then
- Soul essence is collected at the end of a run and you use this to unlock and upgrade talents.
- The talent tree is split into expedition, battle, skill, survival, and weapon with a special hero slot.
- 2 – 4 online multiplayer with invite and matchmaking options.
- Six characters to unlock with soul essence each with unique talents, abilities, and stats.
- Guns are unlocked and available to drop in runs by fulfilling their own task so things like killing X amount of people in a certain way or area.
- Each run is randomized.
- Big boss encounters.
- Vaults can be found and contain self-contained events from puzzles to dexterity tasks or even combat encounters.
- Damage numbers and health bars show.
- The combat just feels sublime.
- Armory shows off all unlocked guns and the tasks needed to unlock other guns.
- Daily challenge.
- Earn EXP and level up to unlock new rewards.
- Player information is like stats for each player and shows off time played and favorite gun.
- Occult scrolls give passive buffs and are random drops in a run, you can discard if you wish.
- Unlock new occult scrolls to drop by doing certain tasks just like the weapons.
- The occult scrolls have rarity ratings.
- The monster book shows off all encountered enemies and lets you look at them.
- You can carry three weapons at a time and swap between them easily as well as swap gun drops.
- It is possible to revive on the spot using items you collected.
Gunfire Reborn Review Cons:
- Takes some getting used to but that’s more tweaking the sensitivity and speed of the game to your liking.
- The tutorial is a tad basic.
- The auto aim is fine but it does struggle to change targets and really messes up when dealing with shielded enemies.
- The levels do feel the same in each location.
- Vaults are way too common so they lose a lot of their appeal.
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Gunfire Reborn:
Developer: Duoyi games
Publisher: 505 Games
Store Links –
If you ever wanted a game that runs and plays like a proper first person shooter with a roguelike mechanic than I have a game for you. Honestly I thought this game was going to be a light not that deep roguelike that just boasts a cool art style. I was wrong and on so many levels, Gunfire Reborn really is a fantastic riot of fun, the shooting, the power ups and the roguelike mechanics all gel into an orgy of addictive Mayhem. Took me ages to unlock characters but the ride to get there was so effortlessly cool that it was fine. I just like how you can jump in and have a proper session or even just a quick run death can push your unlocks up. The speed and fluid approach to level design man’s you can just dance through the carnival of destruction, every gun feels unique and fun. I cannot recommend this game enough and it’s a surefire winner in any gamers book.