Penny’s Big Breakaway Review (PlayStation 5)

Penny’s Big Breakaway Review, Ready. Set. YO! – Join Penny & Yo-Yo in a kinetic 3D platformer bursting with innovative gameplay! Showcase your catalog of tricks and chain impressive combos to deliver Penny & Yo-Yo’s perfect breakout performance. Take the stage with this vibrant pair in Penny’s Big Breakaway.

Penny’s Big Breakaway Review Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 2.77GB download size.
  • Platinum trophy.
  • Action platformer gameplay.
  • Game options – target indicator, screenshake, and post to leaderboards.
  • Two controller schemes – pro and simple.
  • The extras menu has a scrapbook that houses all collectibles.
  • Four save slots.
  • Two game modes – Story and time attack.
  • In-game cutscenes with character interactions.
  • 3D game world.
  • Huge opening area with tutorial signs and checkpoints.
  • The game uses its language.
  • Comparable to a Sonic game for its speed and accessibility.
  • Armed with a yo-yo you can use to ride around, dash forward, and swing in the air.
  • Swinging your yo-yo around as a weapon can be done with a face button or full 360-degree movements on the right stick including whirlwind attacks.
  • Citizens will offer bonus optional tasks to you and doing them gets them to join your end-of-stage audience which means more bonuses.
  • Every level is timed.
  • When you do actions like dashing, air jumping, zip lines, etc it triggers a combo counter.
  • The end of the level has you trying to get to the top of a cake for more bonus points.
  • Rythem action mini-game at a stage end.
  • You can replay levels.
  • Hidden collectible items and bonus objectives to complete for 100 percent completion.
  • Civilians will say things and can give tips.
  • Constant checkpoints.
  • Penguins will swarm you and if enough grab you then you are in trouble but spinning your yo-yo can have them spin-off.
  • Has a happy good feeling through it.
  • Power-up style pickups Grant temporary new abilities.
  • You can play the game a lot like a platform racer.
  • Levels have a lot of replay value.
  • When you get into a flow you can practically race and fly around a level in one smooth motion of transitions.
  • Adds many new mechanics to a genre that was quite stagnant with its innovation.
  • Fantastic group of characters and has that mascot feel to them all.

Penny’s Big Breakaway Review Cons:

  • The movement is very fast and smooth but it takes some getting used to as it is so easy to have dumb deaths.
  • Levels have drop-off instant death sections.
  • No camera control which can make it hard to see in front of you or judge jumps.
  • The actual opening is very cold and lifeless, no music played and you are just dumped in a wide open area with no direction or help.
  • The riding of the yo-yo is not as smooth.
  • Makes you scroll the EULA and terms of service every time you load the game up.

Related Post: Quick Quest Review (Steam)

Penny’s Big Breakaway:

Official website.

Developer: Evening Star

Publisher: PrivateDivision

Store Links –


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


Penny’s Big Breakaway is an action platformer game that offers a unique and engaging experience. The game stands out with its decent graphics and a 3D game world that is comparable to a Sonic game for its speed and accessibility. It has a download size of 2.77GB and offers a platinum trophy for the players.

The game provides two controller schemes – pro and simple, and two game modes – Story and Time Attack. The extras menu houses all collectibles in a scrapbook, and there are four save slots available. The game uses its language, and the in-game cutscenes feature character interactions.

The gameplay is dynamic and involves the use of a yo-yo as a weapon, which can be swung around with a face button or full 360-degree movements on the right stick, including whirlwind attacks. The game also offers power-up style pickups that grant temporary new abilities. The levels are timed, and every action like dashing, air jumping, zip lines, etc., triggers a combo counter. At the end of each level, players try to get to the top of a cake for more bonus points.

The game also features a rhythm action mini-game at the end of a stage. Levels can be replayed, and they contain hidden collectible items and bonus objectives for 100 percent completion. Civilians offer bonus optional tasks, and completing them gets them to join your end-of-stage audience, which means more bonuses.

However, the game does have some areas for improvement. The movement is very fast and smooth but can lead to dumb deaths due to its speed. The levels have drop-off instant death sections, and there’s no camera control, which can make it hard to see in front of you or judge jumps. The actual opening is quite cold and lifeless, with no music played, and players are just dumped in a wide-open area with no direction or help. The riding of the yo-yo is not as smooth as it could be, and the game makes you scroll the EULA and terms of service every time you load it up.

Despite these minor issues, “Penny’s Big Breakaway” adds many new mechanics to a genre that was quite stagnant with its innovation. It has a fantastic group of characters and has that mascot feel to them all. The game has a happy good feeling throughout, and you can play it a lot like a platform racer. The levels have a lot of replay value, and when you get into a flow, you can practically race and fly around a level in one smooth motion of transitions. Overall, it’s a game worth trying for its unique gameplay and innovative mechanics and I hope we get to see more games like this in the future.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!