Primordia Gets A Free Graphic Novella

Primordia gets a free graphic novella and for those that don’t know, In December, Wormwood Studios and Wadjet Eye Games released Primordia, a cyberpunk adventure game that follows a robot’s quest to understand humanity. The game is currently available for pay-what-you-want pricing in IndieRoyale’s latest bundle: Today, the first installment of a 3-part prequel story, “Fallen,” has been released for free online.

The first part of “Fallen,” entitled “Awake,” is available in two formats:

“Fallen” is a free graphic novella set in the Primordia universe. For those who haven’t played Primordia, it serves as a spoiler-free introduction to its setting, themes, and depth. For fans who have finished the game already, “Fallen” sheds light on some of the mysteries alluded to during the adventure and reveals a bit of what has happened in the world after Horatio’s journey concluded. (Finally, for those who played Primordia and objected to the game’s snarky sidekick, “Fallen” presents the same melancholy world stripped of any light-hearted banter!)

Related Post: Cyberpunk adventure game Primordia heads to iPhone/iPad

The remaining two parts will be released every week. Once all three parts are released, they will be collected as a single, free-to-download PDF or ePub file. For updates, visit the Wormwood Studios Facebook page:


Official website.

Developer: Wadjet Games

Publisher: Wadjet Games

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!