Review: Ark Park (PlayStation VR)

ARK Park is a virtual reality multiplayer adventure game designed from the ground up to harnesses an immersive dinosaur theme park. This interactive experience will fulfill your dreams of entering a world where living breathing dinosaurs are roaming the earth. Explore freely at this grand virtual world where there is no set plot line. Engage in the multiplayer tour to share the visceral gameplay and the thrill of witnessing over a hundred prehistoric creatures up-close.


  • Nice looking graphics.
  • 11.94GB Download size.
  • 12 Trophies.
  • Supports controller or Move controllers.
  • Turn in 30-degree increments.
  • The movement is done via cursor placement/warp.
  • Optional tutorial.
  • Crafting system like in the main game but a lot more scaled back.
  • Fast travel between areas and maps.
  • Vibration feedback.
  • Tools/weapons like pickaxe and gun.
  • Explore mode- Free roam one of the 5 maps and gather materials and fight dinosaurs.
  • Find/earn eggs to hatch a dinosaur, feed them and they grow.
  • Atmospheric.
  • Sidekick robotic fly that relays messages, tips, and tricks.
  • Single player and online multiplayer support.
  • Character creator- Handful of options, Male-female builds with a handful of costume options and a name generator.
  • Your head is the cursor.
  • Backpack- Hold your tools and weapons and is displayed in an arc for ease of selection.
  • Holodeck- Here you can open crates, craft and get additional info.
  • Museum- Interact with the displays, Pick up the dinosaurs and walk around the interactive floor map.
  • Can ride vehicles and dinosaurs.
  • Five arenas to play in which play like a wave-based shooter.
  • Controls are very easy to use, Motion control is used for hacking trees and scavenging for berries.


  • Shooting is difficult in part to pixelated graphics on distant targets and poor feedback.
  • Don’t get told about flick Move controller for reloading which makes it all a lot easier.
  • Few sections especially the moving parts are very vomit inducing.
  • Slow paced.
  • Menus are not very well explained like in MP.
  • Aiming the direction you face when moving is so sensitive.
  • The opening train journey you have to do is really slow.
  • Only one map/world at the moment.
  • Crafting is very bare bones.
  • Map design in some areas is straight up confusing.

The Numbers:
  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Accessability - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Length - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


ARK Park is what you imagine it would be, You get to walk around an island very akin to the Jurrasic world and interact with dinosaurs. They add in-game elements with the ability to do limited but decent crafting and a shoehorned in bland shooty section that is like a poor mans Time Crisis. Away from that I really enjoyed walking the land and interacting with the landscape, It just doesn’t have a lot of variety and anything that keeps bringing you back time after time. Still, it is a good showpiece but it is just too limited to really go for.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!