Review: Mix SuperStar
Mix Superstar will have you creating hits on your first download. We’ve put all the tools right at your fingertips and with the included on-screen tutorial and sample demo mixes, you won’t miss a beat. You’ll even be able to solo, mute and balance all of your tracks in the arranger and even manage individual loop editing if that’s your groove.
More of an app than a game, Mix superstar upon first glance looks and plays like Codemasters “Music” games from yesteryear. Nothing wrong with that at all, Those games were great for bedroom dj’s. Mix Superstar ups the ante with a number of nice additions.
- Record new samples with a Singstar mic, headset or even the Playstation Eye Camera.
- You can use the game with PlayStation Move and it works really well, serving more as a mouse than a controller. A standard controller can be used if you wish.
- You can download new loops from the in game store.
- Once your mix is done you can upload it to the servers or download it onto your PC, you have the rights to sell your mix or do as you wish with it. Its 100% yours.
The game may look daunting but they do supply a good tutorial section, that while text heavy is very good at helping you get more out of your mix. The one good feature is the ability and ease of use to just pick up and play the game. A simple drag and drop system means its never been easier to become a DJ! With loops from Hip-Hop to Dance to Pop, its all in there.
I feel at times there isn’t a huge extensive library of loops to use and some sound the same, (I am tone deaf with these things though) But the ability to record your voice enhances it, as I found you can easily record music through your chosen device. Of course use at your own risk what with copyright being what it is. Its a sad fact but true in some cases that this game/app may not do as well as it can due to it not having any trophy support. Personally it doesn’t bother me but I know it will impact sales. For a first commercial attempt at making bedroom DJ’s, the game makes it easy for you and has excellent customer support should you need help.
Its possible to take the game/app further than its drag and drop interface. You can tweak buttons so each line only plays a certain loop or sound effect. You can change the BPM to your liking. There is a demo so I urge you to at least try it out and see how you get on. Its a nice game to put on and chill out with and you will be surprised how good your mixes can be! I have and will continue to enjoy this game/app and playing it always reminds me of my Music playing days…..ahhh good days.