Review: Runner3 (Steam)
The Timbletot is determined to rid the multiverse of all its love and happiness. CommanderVideo, a lover if ever there were one, refuses to let this happen. He’s ready to jump, double-jump, wall-jump, slide-jump, slide, kick, float, fly, and dance his way to victory, all across a medley of thrilling, challenging, and joyous levels!
- Slick graphics.
- 2856MB Download size.
- Steam achievements.
- Full controller support.
- You know the gameplay, Its a runner game with a twist as you kick, slide, slide kick your way through the many levels whilst collecting all that alluring loot.
- Graphics options-v-sync,Resolution,Windowed,AA,Ambient occlusion,shadow resolution and texture quality presets.
- Full stats screen.
- Tutorials introduced over time.
- Leaderboard support.
- Two default characters male and female.
- Fast loading times.
- Instant restarts.
- World map level select.
- Addictive.
- Difficult.
- Defiantly harder than the last game which is all the better for it.
- Multiple routes in levels.
- Collectibles in levels from the gems to coins to gold to quest items.
- Same awesome voice over guy.
- Much busier levels with winding paths, Active back, and foregrounds.
- Replay levels-Choose from a gold or gem run.
- Lot more variety in the actual gameplay as you get vehicles which change it up completely.
- Easy to pick up and play.
- Shop-Use gems and coins to buy new accessories, costumes and capes (your trail) to customize your character with.
- Retro is back! A whole separate entity. It has its own playstyle where its a straight up platformer with puzzle elements. Has its own unique cartoon graphics, own leaderboards and collectibles. Oh and also has its very own unique and badass soundtrack.
- Hero quest- Meet NPC in levels and get quests to retrieve items from the certain level’s in order to unlock one of the 11 unlockable new heroes.
- Insanely fun to play.
- So much replayability.
- Feels polished and new.
- Difficult.
- Will cause shouting, swearing and possible loss of friends and family.
- Controllers have been known to mysteriously break.
- Sweat.
- Have to visit the shop in order to change outfits.
- Couldn’t trigger or find a way to skip the harder levels, The wimp that I am.
The Numbers:
To be honest I just don’t understand how the devs over at Choice Provisions manage to bring out a third runner game and not only improve but also innovate!? I mean this has raised the bar to the point where only they themselves have any chance of going better. The game just runs and plays as smooth as ice, You have so much going on and so much to collect, You will be swearing and jumping around playing the game for many months yet. For me, though it is fine, the game is top notch but I will eventually hit a wall with it and resort to Youtube videos but that is fine because I would still have had fun. In short, This is just perfection.