Review: ZHED (Nintendo Switch)

ZHED is an instant classic puzzle game. Based on a simple mechanic, it builds onto increasingly complex puzzles that challenge you to a level you would not imagine. No timers, no clocks, no stars and no tricks, just pure puzzles for you to enjoy.


  • Basic simple graphics.
  • 59.4mn download size.
  • Puzzle gameplay.
  • Five packs with 20 levels in each.
  • Touchscreen support.
  • Rebind controls.
  • Game-you have a series of numbers on the board and a goal square. Each number corresponds to how many spaces you fill, you can combine small numbers to make a longer connection. Get to the end.
  • Reset and undo button.
  • Hint button.
  • Can replay levels.
  • Colour palette changes as you progress.
  • Solid gameplay.
  • Good brain food.


  • No tutorial.
  • No replay value.
  • No leaderboards.
  • One gimmick over and over.

  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Sound - 7/10
  • 7/10
    Accessibility - 7/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 7/10
    Fun Factor - 7/10


ZHED is a really fun to play puzzle game, I suppose it’s more of a logic game, you must get blocks to line up and hit the goal square. It all sounds a bit complicated but after a few levels it all clicks and clicks a lot quicker than some puzzle games. It’s a good game to just have on your Switch for the occasional brain workout.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!