Rock of Ages 3-Make or Break Review (PlayStation 4)

Rock of Ages 3-Make or Break Review

Competitive tower defense meets arcade action and gets rolled up with ACE Team’s quirky, Monty Python-esque humor into one giant, creative game for the ages. This time around, you can even make your own levels!


  • Classic Rock of Ages graphic style.
  • 6.80gb download size.
  • Controller settings-camera/rotation/movement speed sensitivity sliders, Fov slider, invert axis and camera adjustment speed preset (low/medium/high).
  • Three difficulties-easy/normal/hard.
  • Two-player local support.
  • Two modes-Make (level creator) and Break (story mode).
  • Customise-Army leader, Banner, Colour, and Boulder paint.
  • Break mode- Story or Community levels.
  • Community levels-play with randoms online or offline, levels have unique ids and you can search for it. A handful of filters-Editors choice, campaign levels, game mode, and tags.
  • Story mode-play set levels.
  • Opening and ongoing tutorials.
  • Gameplay-you either controls a boulder and avoid obstacles to knock down your opponent’s castle door or you are defending your own Castle door by laying defenses and summoning spells.
  • Uses Classical music for the soundtrack.
  • Money dictates what you can and can’t build. Luckily you can mine for more gold or collect it as it drops onto the map.
  • Full camera control complete with zoom in and out features.
  • World map whereby you go around on your ship and unlock levels.
  • Play how you want.
  • Stars-earned from playing levels and used to unlock the levels on the map.
  • The humor throughout especially in cutscenes.
  • Before certain levels, you can set up your loadout bar with unlocked abilities, structures, and pick your boulder.

Rock of Ages 3-Make or Break Review


  • A lot to take in initially.
  • Small text.
  • Forced tutorials.
  • The Camera can go a bit crazy if you go off the map.

Rock of Ages 3-Make or Break Review


  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Sound - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Accessibility - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Length - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Fun Factor - 8/10


Rock of Ages 3 combines both styles of the game into one complete package. Now you can play the game or make the game with its very powerful very easy to use creation tools. You can share levels with other players and make the game have so much replay value it may never end! The game part remains the same but with a few new toys in its arsenal, the camera is messy and follows wherever you point but if there is no flat level part the camera will just plunge, easily fixed but always annoying. There is something quite calming about all the madness and destruction the game brings, I love the charming cutscenes and animation style and the theme is tired but they twist and turn with it that I cannot help but enjoy, its a safe comfortable theme and the music is brilliant. The overall take away is the game is still just as good as the first game all them years ago, new toys and all the creative tools you could need let’s this game leapfrog the predecessors and became the defacto Rock of Ages experience.

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!