Underground Garage Preview (Steam Early Access)

Underground Garage Preview, Start your career as a car mechanic and expert tuner in the Underground Garage. Experience more than just a mechanic simulator – dive into a simulation game that combines car customization with fast racing. Create unique builds for every car and test them in an open world full of challenges. Fix cars, tune them up, and hit the road. Underground Garage is currently in Early Access, meaning the game is still in development. By purchasing now, you’re not only getting a first look at our vision but also helping us shape the final product. Expect some bugs and limited content, as we’re actively expanding the game’s features.

Underground Garage Preview Pros:

  • Decent graphics.
  • 4.96GB download size.
  • Steam achievements.
  • Play Direct X11 boot-up option.
  • Steam Deck compatibility.
  • Full controller support.
  • Graphics settings – windows mode, frame rate limit, v-sync, auto set quality, overall quality, view distance quality, post-processing, shadows, global illumination, reflections, texture quality, visual effects quality, and foliage, shading.
  • Advanced graphics settings – dynamic resolution, render scale, scaling software (DLSS/FSR/TSR), frame generation, and DLSS.
  • Mouse and keyboard support.
  • You can Invert axis and sensitivity sliders for both the controller and the mouse.
  • Four save slots.
  • Racing and car management gameplay.
  • Tutorial pop-ups as you play.
  • In-game cutscenes and character interactions.
  • Fully voiced characters with subtitles are on by default.
  • A full 3D game world with 360-degree camera control.
  • The garage manager screens let you move cars around without having to drive them.
  • Camera focus will allow the camera to zoom in on the part you are using or examining.
  • Mechanic mode lets you select parts of a car easily and you can switch layers to see the inside and under the hood quickly.
  • Run diagnostics when a car is on a lift to diagnose and find broken parts.
  • Highlight parts to get a breakdown of the part from the name to the current durability and wear damage etc.
  • Disassemble parts and screw or auto screw parts off.
  • Assemble parts camera will put missing or compatible parts into the scene and make them blue then you just select it and pick a part to assemble and install.
  • It’s surprisingly easy to get into the building and breaking of vehicles from the controls to the on-screen prompts and shortcuts.
  • Jobs may have you building or repairing cars and then delivering them.
  • The animations in mechanic mode look really good.
  • It’s very satisfying when you nail the breaking down and building up of parts.
  • You have a torch to help see around the parts of the car.
  • It all works really well with the controller.
  • What they have here as a baseline is very solid and I can see what they are going for and it’s exciting.
  • It’s a good-looking world you get to drive around.
  • Procedurally generated tasks, missions, and events.
  • You get to buy, customize, and upgrade your own vehicles.
  • Earn cash from jobs and races.

Underground Garage Preview Cons:

  • Long initial load, using big picture mode it felt like the game had crashed.
  • You cannot remap the controls for either the controller or the mouse and keyboard.
  • Running cannot be set to toggle and is held down only.
  • Small text and mission markers.
  • The game doesn’t do the best job with the tutorials and doesn’t always show markers or objectives on the screen, Early on this is a problem as you don’t know where everything else is.
  • Driving is very loose regardless of the car.
  • Performance hits happen a lot when out in the world.
  • No character creator.
  • The game doesn’t always recognize inputs.
  • When disassembling parts the pointer can move just enough to stop you from doing any work.
  • It’s not very good at telling you things when it comes to taking one thing off to enable you to do the next step and get to the part you want.
  • The game is not clear on when to hold down or when to press a button.
  • No way to see the controls.
  • The game is KM/H only.
  • The driver’s camera has no different views.
  • A lot of repetition in terms of the missions and mechanic work.
  • Button prompts are Xbox only with no way to change it.

Related Post: Grid Ranger Preview (Steam Early Access)

Underground Garage:

Official website.

Developer: BeardedBrothers.Games S.A.

Publisher: BeardedBrothers.Games S.A.

Store Links –

Steam Early Access

Jim Smale

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!